Saturday, May 22, 2010

My Love.....Pokhara

Unlike volunteering, rafting, or trekking going to Pokhara is all about chilling. Pokhara is a hippy mini-town settled at the base of the Annapurnas overlooking Phewa Tal (this GIANT lake), they have HUGE trees set in the pavement in the middle of the road, everyone walks slow, drinks anytime a day....just sitting looking at the lake.
My first few days in Pokhara I hung out with my American/Israeli girlfriend, Shira. It was FABulous just to hang out with her and have girl time. I went shopping with her (do NOT worry family, it was souvenirs for you!), drinking coffee, gossiping and people watching. Did I mention that there is an over population of fake "Thamel-hippy freaks." This particular type of freak is an individual (male or female) wearing a sarong/skirt, generally clothes clash TERRIBLY with bright patterned ugliness, almost certainly shoe-less wonder, their hair will either be EXTREMELY dirty or contain 1 to several dreadlocks(s)....Yes! I have seen someone with just one dread! What is so special about some of these freaks is there is levels to commitment to their look. Some of the freaks you know when they go home, they shower, cut their hair, and put shoes and blue jeans on....then there are the crazies you dress like that ALL the time. I have yet to decide which group is more weird. But just to be clear, I more frequently freak watch with Emma as opposed to Shira. (Love you Em!)
Shira's last night in Pokhara, Emma, Elliot (really sweet random Brit, I love Brits!), and I all went out for a fun night on Lakeside. We had really good food AND drinks, TONS of girl talk about guys, travelling, religion, etc. The next morning after Shira left, Emma helped me move hotels so I wouldn't have to walk so far in the dark to my hotel....I got a GREAT hotel with attached bathroom ( some "hotels" come without bathrooms) for 250 rupees a night (which is about $3 USD). I thought I was hung over, but within the next 12 hours I realized I was sick.....UGH! Being sick in Asia, sucks! No worries, a day or so in bed and some antibiotics, I was all good.
My last day or so I spent hanging out with Emma, because once leaving Pokhara I don't know when I will see Emma again....Bummer! Friday, I (luckily) spent the day with Emma and some other volunteers at a small boy's home in Pokhara. Honestly, Nepali miracle I met up with Emma at all...we had a meeting point (which I ofcourse had forgotten....ooops!), and I was on a bus back to my hotel and I spotted her from the bus, jumped off the bus and met up with her. Phew!
The boy's home in Pokhara (Tahara) has 10 boys (ages 9-11ish) and they are so funny and really makes me excited to go on my last placement which is a boy's home as well. Emma was supervising the construction of a paper mache volcano, which they would be erupting on Saturday. This whole process went EXTREMELY smooth for 9 boys with glue and paper. When construction was complete the boys, their parents, and the volunteers all took a visit to the monastery. As we walked there the boys showed off their cartwheels and fighting moves, as well as explaining the "magic" tree that has God inside. Hmmm....God inside a tree, maybe a first for me. It was ADORABLE one of the boys had a very serious conversation with me about touching the tree and then giving God (Buddha) your was too cute. It was even better when he and I actually "prayed" to the tree, we both stood there eyes shut, hand upon the tree, telling the God inside our thoughts. Such strong spirituality in such a little person it was awesome, and I prayed for one of my friends who is in India.
Then off to the monastery, which was absolutely beautiful. But for me the best part was, when we arrived the monks were having service and Samilia (the boy's mother) took me into the monastery so I could listen. Wow! There aren't words. But if God was anywhere, he was there that day. The pulse was tangible. Parting with the boys, there were BIG hugs (squeeze plays by any standards, Dad!) and goodbyes all around. Off to Lakeside for my last night in town.....
Dinner with Elliot, John and Olivia (father/daughter duo from Australia, pair!), Erica (American volunteer), Emma and I. I had some yummy chicken and several drinks....luckily, people had to get off to bed and soon enough it was just Emma and I....our last night together. We went and chatted a quiet bar (which is almost virtually impossible to find in Nepal, for some reason they think Westerners LOVE loud music?), but we called it an early night as well because I had to catch the bus in the morning. On our way home the BEST chocolate phenomenon EVER graced us with its presence...a Lion bar!!! It was the perfect way to end my last night with Emma.
In the morning, hugs and kisses goodbye to Emma....bus back to Kathmandu totally uneventful which is really rare from Nepal. Now I am just preparing for going on to my last placement, Charicot, which is a boy's home. I really excited to be back out there volunteering after almost a month of sight-seeing, trekking, rafting and such. Look forward to hearing adventures of placement (cold water, crappy toilets, etc.), until then.

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