Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Chauturali....here I come!

I am on to my second placement. YAY! I am getting kind of complacent in the capital, I am ready to get out there and DO! I am going to a rural village called Chauturali, where there is a medical clinic. I am really hopeful that they will let me do all sorts of things...I am not sure what, BUT I am totally pumped! I am planning to go for two weeks, but I may stay longer. The only downfall is that because this placement is so rural that I will not have internet the entire time I am there. SO! Sorry, no blogging until I am back. I know you all will miss my incessant chatter, but you will just have to hold out until I get back. I will miss you all, I have to admit I have gotten quite addicted to sharing my life in Nepal with you. Until Next Time....which may be a while.


  1. Hey Car,
    I just wanted to say that I have become a little addicted to reading your blogging, or perhaps the procrastination from studying that it involves, ;) so hurry up and tell us all some more good stuff when you have internet again, ok?! :)
    <3 Cam

  2. I am so glad you enjoy following my blog. I am printing photos to send to my host family today, so tonight I am going to upload pictures from Chauturali!!!

  3. Car-I think your blog is fascinating (although I would never want to clean the water buffalo pen!). Keep writing so I can keep reading and learning!

