Saturday, March 20, 2010

In the Lap of Luxury!

Okay, okay....I know Kathmandu isn't the lap of luxury, BUT! Hot shower, internet, friends and English...yeah now that's what I call luxury.

I have been back in the capital since Wednesday, and since been trying to organize my next placement to a remote village (Dolpa) where I will be teaching English for three weeks. This whole experience has proved to be trying, we have to get a permit to go where we are staying. With holiday and the death of a significant political figure we still don't have our permits and were planning to leave Tuesday. It's Nepal! So all bets are off, as to when we are ACTUALLY leaving. No worries though, patience is a I have been acquiring since arriving in Nepal. Slowly and smoothly (as Damo, a weird Nepali man from Banepa would say), everything in Nepal slowly and smoothly.

I have been hanging out in the capital, doing laundry (I get better at handwashing my laundry everytime I do it!), reading, sitting on the roof, making lesson plans for teaching English (I know I am queer) and mentally preparing to be away again. The last two days I have had PHENOMENAL days with two of my favorites, Shivani and Alicia!
Saturday, Alicia introduced me to several new things: Mike's Breakfast, Bloody Mary's and Gin + Soda. At Mike's we had REAL BACON, which is virtually impossible to get in Kathmandu, let alone Nepal. Then we went into Thamel to the trekking office and I paid for my rafting trip. YEH! April 18th I am going white water rafting for 4 days. I am so pumped! We went to a bookstore where I bought English-Nepali picture books to use when I am teaching. To end the day with a BANG, we checked out the Garden of Dreams. It is in Thamel, which is dirty, filthy, trash everywhere and dust hanging in the air. You walk into the Garden of Dreams and it is like being transported to another world...there is greenery EVERYWHERE, when moments ago you were out in Thamel which is just solid concrete flith. There are birds, flowers, fountains, and a fish pond. The Garden of Dreams also has a small cafe and bar. Alicia and I sat for an hour of more and had lemon gin+sodas. When I checked the time I couldn't believe it was 4pm already!!! When I am with Alicia time flies, we laugh about everything from Nepali culture to guys in and out of our lives to the bird that shit on her while we were walking down the street. Ha! Yes! Alicia got shit on! and I was laughing so hard as I wiped the shit off her I was crying. And as if the Nepali people weren't already staring they were gaping at these two white women cracking up on the street. Back at the volunteer house, chicken momos (which are like potstickers) topped off an absolutely AMAZING day!
Today! Shivani and I had a serious date to catch up over coffee. Shivani, my sweet Nepali friend, not only includes me in the Westernized aspects of her life but she also explains to me all of the cultural questions I have about Nepali life. We sat for 4 hours and talked about EVERYTHING. My placements, going to Dolpa, guys in my life, the guy in her life, Zach coming to visit, her caste, when she will get married (when I will get married), NEPAL, the rural culture in Nepal, her family, my family, everyone in the volunteer house (don't worry all good things!), and much more...I could keep going but I will stop. Shivani also helped me with some Nepali language questions. Coffee turned into lunch and we probably could've went into dinner, but Saturday the former prime minster died. Today was his funeral, and Shivani thought it was better to get my back to the volunteer house before transportation stopped running due to the "holiday." Oh goodness! What a great day with Shivani!
Now back at the volunteer house, I am hoping and praying that two things will happen. 1) Jake and I will get our permits to go to Dolpa and 2) I will be able to sleep tonight! For whatever reason insomnia has been plaguing me, but no worries! It has helped me stay in touch with my family because the US is 10 hours behind. So everyone out there reading my blog, I am putting my wishes in your hands. I know you all are a powerful force, because my trip to Nepal was graced with some many blessing I know it was your collective positive energy that helped me. So say a prayer, make a wish, or place some positive energy in the universe for me, because I need it for two pretty important issues. Thanks Everyone! Until Next TIme!

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