Thursday, April 15, 2010

I Thought getting to Dolpa was Challenging....

Try getting back to civilization...if you consider Kathmandu civilization. It started out on Tuesday morning, we were suppose to fly out of Dolpa at 9am....but it's Nepal, so we actually flew out at 1030am. The weather was alittle was windy and kind of raining, it took the incoming flight three times to finally successfully land. Then it was quickly onto the plane so it could take off again and get out of the weather. Let me preface this flight conversation with the fact that the runway in Dolpa is about 100m long, cut into a mountain face. So as we are taking off, it is the sensation that you are about to fall off the cliff...but we went up up and away. The flight is typically turbulent, but this one was EXTRA special, because about 10 minutes into the the 30 minute flight the plane literally DROPPED. I seriously shit a brick, I was just gazing out the window at these beautiful pink trees and then it felt (momentarily) like we were falling. Once the plane regained its appropriate alititude, the rest of the flight was uneventful with the absolutely beautiful exception that we flew through a honestly was spiritual experience, like God was telling me you are going to be okay, I won't let the place crash.
Landed in Nepalgunj, Jake and I had to find our way to this Sungum hotel...which proved to be a challenge because it was SO HOT in Nepalgunj (as Jake says "Fuck off hot!") and we were walking with our HUGE packs. We booked a rickshaw, but obiviously the man pedalling it had NO idea where this hotel was because we ended up getting off and getting another rickshaw back to the airport. It was SUCH a clusterfuck! Come to find out the hotel is RIGHT outside the airport.
BUT! Once at the hotel, there was suppose to be an English speaking man with our bus tickets....It's Nepal! So ofcourse, he wasn't there. Finding our bus ticket proved to be a challenge, we went to a "travel agent" and then some random sold us a bus just keeps getting more stupid, just wait. Then we decide the ticket we did buy is the local bus (which is TOTAL shit, especially at night), we wanted the capital express which is only mildly shitty as an overnight bus ride. We went back to the travel agent and bought a "good" night bus ticket, then we thought our troubles were over....NOT!
We hung out in the RIDiculous heat for 7 LONG hours!!! Our bus was suppose to leave at 7pm, but it really left at 830pm! Craziness! I was so sick of travel at this point I could've stabbed my eyes out....luckily it was valium and nappy nap time on the night bus. Ahhh! Relief of narcotic induced sleep. I woke up about 2 hours outside of Kathmandu, ready to get off the bus. BUT! Once in the capital we were stuck in traffic forEVER....honestly it was at least an hour and a half.
I got off that bus and I could've killed anyone who tried to keep me from a cab that would take me to the volunteer house, we had been in transit for over 24 hours! Cab ride to Dhapasi, and (ahhh, sigh of relief) I was at my home away from home.
I spent the day doing my crap ton of absolutely digusting the trekking clothes I wore for five days straight and the jeans that had teeka paint all over them. Let's just say there was alot scrubbing involved! I had tea with Emma and Anne, during the mid-morning catching up on all the volunteer house gossip. At about two o'clock, Emma asked me if I was actually planning on showering...see I hadn't showered properly in three weeks, and lets just say when I did it was a spiritual experience. I have never been so happy to be clean in my life. I washed my hair TWICE!!! Hot water, soap, shampoo, conditioner, and a razor were AMAZING luxury!
I am off to rafting tomorrow, so no much blogging until I am back. I am positive I will have interesting and funny experiences/stories to share with you all then. Much Love!

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