Thursday, April 22, 2010

Rafting and Pokhara Photos

The girls on my last night in Pokhara....I miss you already!
Ashok showing me how to use my arms to help my hips flip me out of the water.

Ashok explaining to me for the millionth time, NOT to panic!

Me learning how to flip, Ashok assisting while JK just stands there (don't really know what he is doing?).

Ashok and I at our farwell dinner.

The dudes! (Tristan, Jeremy, and Clint)

The girls! (left to right: Coke, Shira, Emilie, Julia and Me)

Shira, gotta have that clean water...what better way to carry it than on your head!

Julia working hard....TEAMWORK!

ME! In all my gear :)

The water spout, that I was told was a "waterfall."

Lazy time....aka nap time :)

The mini-store that came to visit us on our second night.

Me looking German evidently, in the hat that was once Tristan but somehow became Ashok's...

View from our lunch stop on the second day.

Shira (What a DOLL!) and I after our first night of camping.

Clint and Tristan (aka Veggie Mite) evolving with their shoes, actually try to put holes in the bottom so the water would leak out....didn't really work.

Morning view from our first campsite.

Part of the rafting gang. (left to right: Shira, Coke, Jeremy, and Emilie) Pitching in making Dinner!


  1. hi Carlyn,

    If you remember we met at Himalyan coffee shop, thamel. It was fascinating to see pic from western nepal to pokhara outskrits. Pic of Phuksundo lake is awesome. Keep it up.

  2. The country is beautiful, but I'm not sure about the living conditions. I guess I'm way too spoiled! You look like you are really enjoying yourself. I hope it's everything that you wanted and more. We miss you much. Can't wait to see you in June!


  3. Thank you Hem! Aunt Karen....yeh things aren't always ideal, but I love it....good thing I have AMAZING family to come home to...or I may never come home :)

  4. Carlyn,
    I had great wish to meet you in Pokhara. From your blog too I find you had desire to see me 'n my family, which could not be fulfilled. sorry for that. I had mailed you to give me time and place where we could meet. I doubt you have missed that.
    By now you may have left pokhar. Hope you have enjoyed your stay in pokhara.
    Good luck
