Sunday, April 11, 2010

Puksundo Lake Trek!

On April 7th, Jake, Prem (our guide), and I headed out of Juphal for Puksundo Lake...which is this remote lake in lower Dolpa, it takes at least 2.5 days to get there. Our first day we hiked to Chhepka. The hike there was okay for the first half of the day, but after lunch I was beat and the sun was blazing down on me. Prem (what a doll!) carried my pack the second half of the day. Chhepka is this tiny quaint little town, almost like Concord, if you blinked you would miss it. Chhepka sits right on the river so as we sat in our "hotel" room, you can hear the most beautiful sound of water rushing by. On the opposite side of the Chhepka is THE most green I have seen in all of Dolpa, the crops were barley. Chhepka was a beautiful little town, but all too soon we were onto the next village.
Day two, went much better! I carried my pack almost the ENTIRE day. We also crossed paths with the actor from Caravan (the movie)...from here on out I will be referring to him as Caravan Man, mainly because I never learned his real name. He was trekking to Puksundo, with a small film crew that was doing a documentary on him...I may be in it, if they don't edit me out! Toward the end of day two Jake and Prem said we were going to make it to the lake that day. WooHoo! This is the point I passed off my pack, so we could make it there in time. But about a quickly as we got excited to be there in 2 days, our hopes were dashed because there wasn't a hotel open in Puksundo. So, we spent the night in this TOTALLY random tiny town. Jake and I actually slept in the "store" of the town, it was really two with soap and one with liquor! That night was not so fun, because some creepy bug bit Jake and I all night.
Day 3! To the lake! The last two hours to the lake are these SUPER intense switchbacks, that go essentially straight up. Luckily for me, we walked behind a caravan of yak-crosses and a family that lived in Puksundo, which meant we went nice and slow (evidently even the yaks need persuading to go up ALL the switchbacks). At this point, I hadn't decided if I was breaking in my boots or if my boot were breaking me in, but man my feet were tore up! Once in the town of Puksundo, (Surprise!) we can spend the night in we HAD to whole day at the lake. At first, I wasn't too keen on this idea because I wasn't sure I could walk all the way from Puksundo back to Chhepka (night 1), but once I peeled my boots off I warmed up to the idea.
THE LAKE!!! It was absolutely amazing. I can't even begin to describe the deep cobalt blue color of the water. The water was to clear, you could see out toward the middle of the lake it was so beautiful! We walked to alittle monastery and took pictures....just soaking up the beauty. I wish I could elborate, but pictures will only do it justice. That night in Puksundo, Prem and Jake, drank Chang (which I guess is local beer?) and Prem was HILarious....dancing and singing in Nepali. I loved it!
Day 4, came WAY too soon for me...but I put on my big girl panties and hike down from the lake. We made excellent time back to Chhepka...alittle bit to my dismay. When I am trekking (especially down!) I am slow. I also like to enjoy the scenery while I trek and the break neck speed that Jake and Prem were going at didn't allow for much of that. Bummer! It was at the end of day 4 that my stomach started to just not feel right. But I shrugged it off and took some Pepto-Bismol...That cures everything...right?
Day 5, all the way back to Juphal. In the morning I was quite queezy but I figured there is no way back to Juphal but on my own two legs. I had tea and we were out on the trail. The morning went relatively smoothly...but by afternoon I was dragging. Jake had already went off on his own pace. So it was just Prem (what a saint!) and I, about two hours outside of Juphal I HAD to stop. We got a bite to eat, which I am not sure helped anything and then it was up, Up, and UP to Juphal. Ofcourse, at this point it is the heat of the day and the sun is BLAZING down. But Prem, what an AWESOME guy, hung with me, while I went slowly, slowly up to Juphal.
Phew! I made it! Back in Juphal I had a soda to try to settle my stomach and laid down....that evidently was NOT the answer. I woke up with terrible stomach pains, nausea and a fever. I HATE being sick over here, because it just makes you want to be at home. I took some tylenol and some medication...and passed out for a solid 12 hours!
I got up this morning and I feel a TON better. I am not 100% but I am definitely able to make the trip back to the capital tomorrow. I fly in the morning and then night bus for 12 hours...if all goes as planned I will be in Kathmandu Wednesday morning. YIPPEE! I have missed my friends at the volunteer house, and a hot shower....I haven't washed my hair in three weeks (do you think something could be growing in there?). Eh! Nepal...I scarifice personal hygiene. ALSO! Kathmandu means....REAL food!!! I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am to have a egg scramble and bacon from MIKE'S (Mike's Breakfast in thamel) Wednesday morning and Wednesday night I am having a cheese burger from Ktoo. Seriously, I have missed real food that much I have my meals planned. Ha!
Well, that's all until I am back in the capital....showered and well fed. Missing you all!

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