Thursday, April 29, 2010

Random Things that make me Smile in Kathmandu

Purple rain, Purple wait! Its just the beautiful flowers falling off the trees. They are really pretty....especially for Kathmandu!

HAVE to love the overly painted GIANTICAL trucks with the HILarious sayings on the bumper...this is one of my favorites, especially because it got stuck on the road in front of my cab.

The "infamous" traffic circle bull...if you look closely you can see why he is so famous (at least to Emma and I).

Really pretty sky and clouds on the cab ride home....that is why some of the pictures are blurred.

Cab ride to the Volunteer house...can be a wild ride sometimes :)

Aren't we FABulous....maybe not?

Pieter, Emma and I....two of my favs at the house right now!

Best Nepali word to have in your vocabulary! And its a bar....who knew?!?

CRAZY Traffic!!!...Can't say this is something I love about Kathmandu when I am stuck in it.

My FAV Morning Glories!!!

Those LOVELY purple trees!

The INSANE assembly line, to build the next story of the house behind the Volunteer house.

Crazy Nepali New Year...2067! Ann and I post street party with Teeka!

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