Friday, February 26, 2010

Back in Kathmandu!!!

The trip from Banepa to Kathmandu, was relatively uneventful. I was SUPER happy to get my stupidly HUGE pack on the bus with me, so it didn't have to ride on the roof of the bus. The small triumphs of Nepal, always bring the greatest enjoyment for me. Although, I got alittle worried at the end of my bus right, because I wasn't sure if I would know where to get off. But when they yelled "bus park!" at me, I knew I was in the right place. Cab ride back to Dhapasi and I was back in the Volunteer house....YAY!
I was so happy to be back. Familiarity is another small pleasure I try very hard not to take advantage of. Once I got upstairs, I met another volunteer Alicia from Australia. She is a TOTAL HOOT! More stories to come about her and I :) I staked claim to a room and hauled all of my stupid amounts of crap upstairs....then it was breakfast time! Yay, no more strange Banepa breakfast!
*Side note: I don't think I mentioned this but, when I was staying in Banepa I was the only person in the hostel who ate breakfast. So very often I was served quite random things. The worst of which was this soup which was gray and had the consistence of gravy. And it was just thick and tasteless. YUCK! Other times I was served fried roti bread (which is like a pita), which would be delicious if it wasn't DRIPPING in greese.*
Back on topic! Alicia and I bonded over breakfast and tea. Laughing and joking, it was so GREAT to have a new Westerner friend that I felt this great connection to. Alicia has this energy that I think just draws everyone in and before you know it (because I have only known her a day) you feel like she has been your friend forever. Then there was laundry to attend to, YUCK! Washing your clothes by hand isn't all that bad, its the rinse the soap off the clothes by hand that is the hard part. Have I mentioned how much I miss the spin cycle?
With laundry done, Alicia and I planned to go to Bhat-Bhateni, which is this AWESOME first world grocery store...that I haven't been to yet. Alicia and I meandered down to the grocery store, not expecting to have water balloons thrown at us.
*Another Side note: Sunday is "Holy" whatever that really me it means lots of people throwing water balloons and paint filled water balloons. I think it has to do with Shiva, the god of destruction, but I don't know what the point of all the water is. By the way, isn't it the dry season and there are water shortages? hmmm....
Back on track! After dodging some water balloons, Alicia and I made it relatively dry and safely to Bhat-Bhateni. OH MY GOODNESS! Its like Meijer (well kind of) with an escalator! There was cheese!!!! Oh yay, REAL cheese...not yak cheese. I bought some honey, peanut butter, and jam. Alicia and I also invested in some water guns for Sunday AND some vodka to go along with it for good measure :)
On our way back to the Volunteer house, we managed to stay as dry possible being two Western girls (we might as well be sitting ducks). I had cheese and crackers for lunch....what an indulgence! Then Alicia and I were on to our next mission of the day, shelves! The volunteer "dorms," the rooms that the volunteers stay in only have beds in the rooms. There isn't anywhere to put your random little things like toiletries, books, flashlights, and clocks. We decided that we would take measurements and have shelves made for the guys and gals dorms. Because this is a luxury, I volunteered to ask people from home to donate some money to help us pay for the shelves. Once we have an estimate from the man who makes the shelves I will post the cost. Any little bit will help and I thought I would pitch in the get little plaque to put up saying my friends and family donated the money for the shelves. Email me if you wish to donate, thanks!
That evening, Alicia and I met Sam in Thamel for dinner at K-too and I had a cheese burger and fries. Oh Boy! It was delicious. Once back at the Volunteer house I stayed up to almost one in the morning BLOGGING. See! You all now have me addicted to telling you EVERYTHING about my life here. And I thought blogging was stupid, look who's talking now!
That's all for now, I will certainly have another VERY interesting blog soon with "Holy" coming. Also I hope to take some good pictures on Sunday! Stay Tuned! Until Next Time.

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