Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Days 3&4: Time with Shivani

Me Shopping for funny hats...you can't tell here but I am soaking wet!
The following pictures are of Bhoadnath temple.

I officially started my culture and Nepali language courses on Monday with Shivani(who is the volunteer "coordinator" and my first friend in Nepal). Let me start this blog by saying my language lessons are going quite badly to say the least...I am terrible at Nepali! The only shining beacon of hope is that most everyone in Nepal speaks some English. Shivani is so patient with me, when she asks me something in Nepali and I don't know she just looks at me waiting (I assume when she looks at me she is willing me to know and understand and then speak the correct answer....yeah right!).
On Monday, after my Nepali lesson, Shivani and I went to Bhoad to see the Bhoadnath temple. The temple is the Buddhist temple and it was incredible. It is shaped like a HUGE white dome with eyes on top(hopefully one of these days I will attach pictures to my blog). A top the eyes is a peak and then in a ray out away from the top are thousands of Buddhist prayer flags. Then encircling the bottom of the temple is a wall with tons of prayer wheels embedded in the wall. It is just sooooo phenomenal. After Shivani and I toured the temple we had lunch at this GREAT little restaurant, I had momos which are dumplings and they were DELicious.
On Tuesday (today, we are finally up to the present on my blog), after another awful Nepali lesson....I should take a picture of Shivani's patient look :) Did I mention it rained, ALL day, today? If not, then yes! It rained all day! I had told Shivani that I needed a sleeping bag for placements and trekking. We went into Thamel and went shopping, before shopping commenced Shivani and I got a coffee and it was the first I had in a week....oh man! It was delicious! Then we went to a trekking shop and got my sleeping bag, this is actually a funny story. Because I had to go across the street from the shop up three flights of SUPER creepy and dark steps to the "warehouse." The "warehouse" was this tiny room packed with all sorts of trekking gear and the man lead me to sleeping bag, demonstrated all of its wonderful characterstics (ie. the zipper :), and I was sold. After getting the sleeping bag, we just walked from shop to shop in the rain. I was mainly just checking things out I didn't want to buy any souvenirs just yet. You may not know, but I am Polish so I MUST get the lowest price on everything (aka I am cheap). Although I did buy a FABulous shawl for 300 rupees. After too much rain and shopping Shivani and I stopped for lunch, where we spilt some great fried rice and some not so great spring rolls. At lunch, we decided we had enough of the rain and caught a cab back to the volunteer house.
I am going to wrap up my blog for today because, tonight is movie night and my computer is the resident theatre :) Until Next Time.

1 comment:

  1. Great Job on the Blog. If you can figure out how to do photos that'd be great! Kathleen from Traverse City
