Friday, February 12, 2010

The Letdown of Shivarati

So! Sorry to disappoint but Shiva had his way and weather is terribly cold and rainy. Evidently, Shiva (the god of destruction) makes the weather cold, wet, and nasty the day of his festival. Thanks Shiva! Yuck! No one wanted to go to Pashupati to see 100,000 naked holy men in the rain. Honestly, I was relieved because I am leaving for Banepa tomorrow and I have to up early and ready. Instead of going to Shivarati I packed and moved all my extra stuff downstairs to the spare bedroom. Luckily, Emma is going to her boyfriend to a village nearby Banepa, so she is going to take my computer and pillow for me (she is taking a car). In place of a really great blog, I tagged photos to most of my past blogs today. Also I am warning my "followers" (hahaha, I have like 4!) that once on placement I don't think I will have internet everyday, so I will be blogging weekly from here on out. Sorry for such a short blog, go check out my pictures. Until Next Time.

1 comment:

  1. Yay Car! Thanks for finally putting up some pictures on your bolog! Yay to me for figuring out how to make comments to you or I would have been doing it all along. :) I think seeing the photos actually made it seem a little more real that you are over there; I mean I am used to going months without seeing you and having long distance Skype conversations. How exciting!! Have fun and be safe at the new placement in Benepa, it sounds like you are having a wonderful time over there.
    Love, Cam
